
#4 | Loop vs Recursion

Consider a function that is given a list of words and needs to return the number of occurrences of a given letter across all the words.


Here’s a version using a normal loop:

def count_letter_using_loop(words: list, letter: str) -> int:
    # Avoiding list comprehension to make the loop obvious
    total = 0
    for current_word in words:
        total += current_word.count(letter)
    return total


It’s obvious that a recursive version is overkill but it’s a interesting exercise to actually try to write one:

def count_letter_using_recursion(words: list, letter: str) -> int:
    if not words:
        return 0
    current_word = words.pop()
    letter_count = current_word.count(letter)
    remaining_letter_count = count_letter_using_recursion(words, letter)
    return letter_count + remaining_letter_count

The recursive function:

When is recursion a good idea?

It depends. There are lot of factors to consider such as:

I tried to cause a stack overflow error on a macbook using Python but wasn’t able to. More on that later maybe.